Dabur Ratnaprash - For Vigour and Vitality
Return to the days of freedom, to the moments of excitement
and to the life of zeal. Get the power of youth.

Fight fatigue and energy-drained days with the help of new Dabur Ratnaprash. A power packed formula designed o instill in you the power of youth.

A product of extensive research by Dabur Research and Development centre, as well asthe backing of the age old wisdom of Ayurveda, Dabur Ratnaprash brings to you strength,stamina,vigour and energy.

Say goodbye to your days of excuses, worries and lethargy, add Dabur Ratnaprash to kick start your life once again. Challenge yourself again. Set new targets.Feel refreshed. Feel young with Dabur Ratnaprash.

An age old medicine used in the preservatoin.

Across cultures, continents and civlizations.

Safed Musli is a unique gift of nature
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