Haritaki is the fruit of the Terminalia chebula. Ayurveda is the sacred science of longevity, hoslitic health, wellbeing in the vedic tradition and the power of Haritaki is recorded in Ayurvedic text dating back to 300 B.C. For centuries, Ayurveda healers have called Haritaki the ‘king of herb’ that destroys all diseases, eliminates all waste from the body, and promote tissue growth and health.


An ounce of prevention should be the mantra of every person in today stressful world. The ideal approach should be to body system in balance and immunity system at peak and the best way to do so is consumption of safe and incredible combination of herbs which come with enormous health benefits.

Haritaki has various active compounds including healthy acids and metabolites and thus it works as an ideal immunity booster. Haritaki comes packed with tremendous health benefits. Among many properties that Haritaki has some of the crucial ones are

  • Haritaki decoction helps keeping stomatitis, oral ulcers and sore throat at bay
  • It serves as a good astringent for loose gums, bleeding and ulceration in gums.
  • Prevents hair loss and improves its quality.
  • Keeps digestive system clean due to its laxative nature
  • Regular consumption of Haritaki along with other herbs promotes longevity and boosts energy.
  • Averts cough and cold and cures gingivitis.
  • Helps regulate blood sugar
  • Helps in increasing immunity
  • Useful in digestive problems
  • Beneficial for Eye, Skin & Hair
  • Helps in weight management helps strengthens nervous system Haritaki fruit is also known for its nutritional values due to its richness in vitamins, minerals, proteins and minerals like selenium, manganese, potassium, iron and copper, which are generally a miss in our daily rushed diets.

Consume immunity boosting foods & try our home remedies to improve immunity. Visit our immunity blog to know all about how to increase immunity.

Sources:ayurveda.com, mavcure.com, banyanbotanicals.com, bimbina.com